here i am sitting on the steps outside the library on my college campus. it's ridiculously nice out today, kind of an affirmation that winter does eventually end. there are 18 and 19-year olds running around in the grass like maniacs, like i'm sure there are on every college campus in the northeast today. funny to be surrounded by kids like this after living in new york for so long...they have no idea what's in store for them once they stop living in dorms and eating dining hall food. how cute. i'm listening to suv and patife and bopping my head with my shoes off...i'm sure all these long island and new jersey natives think i'm a weirdo. the tattoos and fake leg don't help much, i'm sure. i miss being in new york, where i'm pretty middle of the road when it comes to weirdness.

this morning i sang on the college radio station with a couple other kids from my program. it was a great performance, made better by the fact that people could listen and see it live on the web. technology is quite fun sometimes. music is going so well for me's a little scary. i keep thinking i'll wake up and have no voice or something horrible will happen and i'll never get to sing again. constant anxiety.
at least it's spring.
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