thursday night (june 30th) i trekked it back up to hartford so that i could get my poor little subaru out of the shop on friday in time to do all my various fun things. i got to the shop and my car was only half fixed. apparently my mother told the guy to only fix the things listed on the insurance claim, which although was substantial, did not cover all the bodywork damage that had been accumulating over the years due to renegade bike messengers and crazy homeless people. (i seem to attract a lot of crazy people to do damage to my poor car...nothing surprises me anymore.) so i took the better but still not dent-free car out of the shop and decided on a whim to drive back to new york on saturday in order to hear the premier of my new track with datcyde at direct drive. he and i had been working on it for a while and i hadn't gotten to hear the finished version yet, so i really needed to be there when it was played on the rothko speakers for tons of people. i drove down without fanfare, scooped up my katy, stopped at jamin's studio to grab dave, and headed in to the city. all i can say about that night was that it was absolutely fantastic. so many people were there, and everyone kept coming up to me saying "did he play it yet????". i love positive reinforcement, and i especially love my friends. they called me up onstage and i got to dance and lipsynch and i was in heaven. (i found out later that after i left my friend jenny fell down the stairs and broke her foot in two places, so i guess that kind of put a damper on the night, but i'm a selfish bitch and i wasn't there when it happened. as far as i'm concerned it's all gravy.)

lynn is right on the beach, so we walked a few blocks and got to the sand to see the fireworks. mind you by this time we were all completely tanked. as in frightening small children. ah yes, it seems that every one of my groups of friends are "those people", you know, the ones that have a big circle of latitude around them in public because all the normals are scared. i wouldn't have it any other way. here's an example of what i mean:

now i know that this picture basically makes it look like I'M the only crazy one, but i swear it's not true. man, was i excited. fireworks are fun on the beach. the only major issue was that i had to pee desperately and by the time they ended, i was about to go in my pants. there were hundreds of people everywhere and no private bushes to pop a squat on, so i was fucked until we got back to kendra's house. now, as many of you may know, when i drink white wine i tend to get a so i ran back to the house with pal rachel and i kept calling ahead to make the kids in front slow down, but it was every man for himself at that point. we got back to the house as fast as we can, and the bathrooms were all being used. my reaction? to burst into tears. oh lord. in my drunken state i somehow thought that they all knew how badly i had to go and were using the bathrooms first to spite me, which is the most ridiculous thing ever. i mean, i really seriously started crying about it. probably one of my most pathetic moments ever...i ended up calling dave and katy in that state and katy says "well did you pee your pants or what?" and i apparently said "only a little" and she bursts out laughing and declares me fine, ready to keep partying. thank god for kaboom when you need reassurance that a little pee is better than a lot of pee. ugh.
the rest of the night is a blur of pictionary and more crying, apparently about exboyfriends being mean and dismissive and some guy i just met having to go fight in iraq (don't ask, i can't account for my drunken overemotional responses), but all in all it was a really wonderful time that ended much too quickly.
july fourth itself is pretty much a blur of a huge rooftop, steak, norah jones, drug deals gone wrong, and wiz peeing in a cup. i just love love love my friends. why can't every weekend be like that one????
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