Monday, December 05, 2005

ode to a moron

dear shitty driver,

i know it's been snowing here in connecticut. i know that it hasn't snowed since march, and sometimes people can forget how slippery and wet and cold the snow can be. i know that haste makes waste and that running around like a lunatic in icy conditions isn't very bright. BUT. i also know that WE LIVE IN NEW ENGLAND. it snows here EVERY SINGLE YEAR. MULTIPLE TIMES. MUTLIPLE FEET. don't you remember??? don't you remember how last year you drove around at 5 mph on the highway three days after a snowfall and people honked at you??? don't you remember how you didn't use your turn signals and people honked at you??? don't you remember how you took so long to turn at the green light that by the time you were done the light was red again and PEOPLE HONKED AT YOU??? don't you remember that YOU HAVE A $50,000 SUV??? last time i checked, the only reason to own a hummer, expedition, or bronco in the suburbs is because of this very occurence...of course, i could be wrong. it's been known to happen.


thanks for nothing, douchebag.


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